
I don’t know about you, but I believe in Soulmates. To me the definition of soulmate, is someone who knows you better than you know yourself.  It’s someone who inspires you to be a better person every day, someone who accepts you for who you truly are, and someone who supports you and carries you through not only the good times but through the tough moments in your life.

The growth you both experience may seam difficult at times, but it is necessary to prepare you for life’s next big thing or lesson. Don’t take these moments for granted; embrace them and learn from each other to help grow one another so that you can be your best self.

Today, I am grateful to have met my Soulmate almost 15 years ago. We didn’t know back then that we were meant to be, but like I say, God has a plan and what’s meant to be will be, for a higher purpose.

My wish for all of you is that you too find a soulmate. It doesn’t have to be in the form of a husband as it can be a partner or close friend. Someone you could not picture your life without. Be grateful for them!

Today, I want to take the time to say Thank you to my husband for all that he has done and all that he continues to do for our family. You are a blessing in our life and we don’t tell you enough how special you make each day for each of us. Today we take the time to celebrate you!

Love you always and forever,




Day 3 was the first day the kids came to visit! I felt like it was my birthday! You know that feeling when you are so excited you can’t sleep? Ya that was me ! Situations like this really make you appreciate the simple things.
They are so wonderful, getting to hold them and kiss them was the most beautiful feeling in the whole world!
 Another eventful thing that happened that day, was that my friends asked if they would be able to wheel me outside, and sure enough as long as I was sitting yes they could! Thank God for good friends and family. You have always been there to pick me up no matter what. Sun is another simple thing we don’t even think about. The ability to just sit outside was such a highlight.

I’m so happy to have met all these wonderful women in my life who essentially have become my support system, they are always a phone call away and literally can make you laugh at the drop of a hat. Thank you sisters for all your love and support ❤️

The simplicity in a great friendship is something that should never be taken for granted.Thank you God for giving me such simple yet amazing gifts in my life!


find your tribe, love them hard
— Danielle Laporte


It’s May 4th, 4:03 am and I’m staring at a hospital ceiling hearing newborn baby’s cry. The new born baby part is such a sweet sound, it reminds me of each of the boys. I keep replaying their birth story over and over in my head.

Each one was SO different, magical in each way. I was eager, and couldn’t wait to meet them so bad!

This time is different all in itself. Each pregnancy, so far, I have had my own plan. They say baby comes when it’s ready, but you have your own plan. You get the house ready, you get yourself ready, you shop, you do all these things that get you “ready” for that one magical moment that changes your life forever.

This time it’s God’s plan.

As tears pour down my face, surrendering to Gods plan is definitely a lesson all in itself. It’s the fear of the unknown, but finding comfort in knowing he’s present. It’s fear of losing, but knowing that when you feel you have surrendered, surrender some more (Gabrielle Bernstein)

Finding comfort in knowing that God never gives you anything you can’t handle, is something I’m holding on to. 
It truly is the time to surrender all, and have faith in the outcome.


When you think you know, or have an idea of how it’s going to go, but in the end God has another plan.

Since my third month of pregnancy, I have been going through some complications with my current baby. You think you know because you already have two, but the beauty in all of this is that every child gifted to us, is different than the other. 

All I knew in that moment was that I should head to emergency, yet again due to some heavy bleeding. Sure enough they decided to admit me over night to monitor things. I was definitely ok with this, because for the first time in this pregnancy I felt safe! Should anything happen I was in the rite place.

Morning comes and I get sent for my Ultrasound, everything seems great, as always baby is growing, moving, doing great. Still not sure about the bleeding.....
My poor husband at this point, who was super sick, heads home to relieve our parents, yes we have two other children waiting for us! 

I finally see the Docto, and let me tell you I was not prepared for this. A little history of this situation is that I had a Subchorionic Hemorrhage (look it up hard to explain) that would need to heal and then bleeding would stop. This explained the pain.
So back to the Doctor, long story short she proceeds to tell me that I have a condition called placenta previa, where the placenta is covering the cervix, ok no problem! I’ll have to have a c section instead of natural birth (sad because I had natural with both)

She then tells me that I am bleeding so much that if they don’t get it under control I will need a blood transfusion. Ok so now I’m a bit concerned,but no problems I’ll make it.

Then she tells me that the pain I feel is the uterus contracting that is why I have bleeding and it can cause preterm labour, if that happens now at 21 weeks there is nothing they can do for baby. 

And in that split moment I felt the fear, guilt and any other emotion come crawling over me. 

I am then put on bed rest for the rest of the pregnancy and I can only get up to use the washroom. She then tells me that I will have to find child care for my existing children and that they can come and visit any time.
I ask her how long I will be here, she has no answer...........
My world changed in one split second. The “plan” I had meant nothing. It was time to surrender. 


Photo credit:amyteixeiraphotography.com



Photo credit: www.amyteixeiraphotography.com