Our baby girl has blessed us with miracles from the very beginning, we were so overwhelmed that we didn’t see them, but now it’s crystal clear.
As most of you know I was bed riden for over 6weeks at RCH, at 18 weeks pregnant. It all started when I was 13 weeks pregnant I had a heavy bleed and thought I lost our baby. After numerous ultrasounds and tests I was wrong she was great!
Durring that time I was back and forth to emergency till the day they finally decided to admit me. Once I was admitted they saw that my placenta was detaching. That was when I began to notice the miracles.
My body had been telling me to rest for quite a while but I kept going. We had just finished the renovations at the salon and that took a huge tole on us, physically. By being bedridden baby was forcing me to pay attention and slow down. I literally wasn’t allowed to even walk!
Another lesson in all this was patience and trust. Patience with myself, my body and really taking time to heal! So many times we struggle with this and we don’t give our bodies what they are asking for. As for trust....in God that he put us on the rite path. That was a miracle all in itself.
When Stella was born she was a miracle on her own. She came out crying at 26 weeks, eyes wide open. She wasn’t required to be intubated, she was just perfect.
As she grew we noticed that her tummy kept getting distended every time they would feed her. We did many X-rays and nothing ever showed up. It came to a point that no one really knew the cause of this. That’s when they made the decision to transfer us to BC Children’s Hospital. The Dr. that made the call had not been there for quite some time but thank God he was there that day because he had a feeling something was up! Another miracle.
Once we got here things just started spiraling down.
After the 60th X-rays hey made the decision to do surgery.
On one of the X-rays they saw that she had a narrowing in the bowel. This constriction was causing the tummy to expand and make her feel uncomfortable.
During the surgery so may things were running through our mind. Is this going to be ok? Will this effect her quality of life? What if it doesn’t work?
Once the surgery was done they come in the room and the surgeon looked very surprised. We were worried we thought something had gone wrong. He then looks at us and tell us there was no narrowing in the bowel no signs of anything wrong with it. The only thing hey found was a 2cm cyst on the left ovary that caused the overy to be placed on top of the left bowel, so they “suspect” that that was causing discomfort.
That’s it!!!! If that’s not a miracle then I don’t know what is! All I know is that the power of faith and prayer is infinite!
In these passed 6 months my faith has grown deeper than anything. It has helped me through all the ups and downs and it gives me hope for great things to come. I feel more connected to my husband and as a family. I have asked God to show me miracles and here they are!!!!
All you have to do is ask......he is there ready to give!